“There’s a crack in everything. That's how the light gets in”

~ Leonard Cohen

Ashley Lonsdale is a trauma informed, mind-body energy integration specialist. Ashley is able to help clients to achieve increased vitality and healing through her deep knowledge of Advanced Applied Kinesiology, the Nervous System and other complimentary modalities.

Many physical ailments are expressions of stored emotional trauma. Healing is a part of your soul’s journey.

About Ashley

Ashley Lonsdale’s interest in alternative healing modalities, in particular Advance Applied Kinesiology (AAK), was amplified by a health crisis where doctors informed her that she would most likely need her gallbladder removed. Having been exposed to alternative modalities of medicine before, Ashley’s intuition whispered that surgery was not the appropriate answer. She sought something different and eventually found her pathway to deep and lasting healing and then to her certification in Advanced Applied Kinesiology with an emphasis on nervous system atunement and the trauma pathology of disease.

Prior to working in AAK and other healing modalities, Ashley spent thirty years as an elite level Rhythmic Gymnastics coach where she nurtured, trained and mentored many of Canada’s top ranked athletes in this discipline. Having this unique background informs Ashley’s knowledge of body- mechanics, flexibility, conditioning, and the fascial network- giving her a unique position in the healing world.

The foundation for Ashley’s healing journey has its roots in her early years, with her new-age parents and sister, born and partially raised in Los Angeles. Ashley feels incredibly fortunate to have been gifted this alt style early upbringing, near the ocean, which laid a foundation for her curiosity to explore beyond the boundaries of our western offerings.

Ashley has adapted and maintained a grounded approach to these aspects of her upbringing, in particular, her relationship to Kundalini yoga. Kundalini has played a central role in Ashley’s own healing journey and is a powerful practice for connecting with the mind, body and spirit. Ashley enjoys teaching Kundalini classes across Vancouver’s North Shore and introducing this unique modality of energetic technology to a broader audience.

Today, Ashley continues to study healing and spirituality wherever it finds her and is grateful to step fully into her calling as a healer practitioner.

Advance Applied Kinesiology Adjustments

Advance Applied Kinesiology & Nervous System Atunement

Kundalini Classes

Contact Ashley

Interested in working together? Answer the call. Fill out some info and Ashley will be in touch shortly.